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Monday, December 13, 2010

Ma Phyu Phyu Thin@Her Kindest Regards To HIV / AIDS Patients@An Ability To Behave Kindly Rose

She, Ma Phyu Phyu Thin is a member of People Affair Social Society , The National League Of Democracy ( NLD)

She is caring to about (100) HIV / AIDS patients at South Dagon Township of Rangoon Division  in Burma

They have never received any support from the government, they are standing to  some social society's supporting and kindness people's donations and aids
An Ability To Behave Kindly Rose@Ma Phyu Phyu Thin

 Please watch this link..Thank you.

Congratulations! Ma Phyu Phyu Thin..and we would like to wish to all patients ,may they be free from mental and physical suffering 

With Best Wishes,

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