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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Political Prisoner U Mya Aye's Daughter@Wai Hnin Pwint Thon@A Brave Rose of Burma

I Would Like To Post for Toady, honorable to A Brave Rose@Wai Hnin Pwint Thon@A Daughter of Political Prisoner U Mya Aye has been jailed belong 65 years and 6 months in Burma

She, Wai Hnin Pwint Thon Speaks Proudly In Labour Party Annual Conference, Manchester On 27 Sep 2010

"Why They Wait and See ,
Political Prisoners die in Prison ?" (Noted)

"Why They Wait and See, 
More Villages are burned ?"  (Noted)

Congratulations! Wai Hnin  NEVER! NEVER! SURRENDER...

With Best Regards,

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